8 TECHNICAL REGULATION Kompetentnost' 8/129/2015

Best Available Techniques: A New Environmental

Quality Aspect in the Construction Materials Industry

Prof. Dr. T.V. Guseva, Professor, Department of Management and Marketing, D. Mendeleev University of Chemical

Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia, tguseva@ muctr.ru

Assoc. prof. Dr. Ya.P. Molchanova, Associate Professor, Department of Management and Marketing, D. Mendeleev

University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia, yanamolchanova@gmail.com
A.V. Mironov, Postgraduate, Department of Management and Marketing, D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia, mironov791.91@mail.ru
Dr. А.V. Malkov, Professor, Department of Management and Marketing, D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia, malkov@muctr.ru

key words

construction materials industry, quality, Best Available Techniques, Information and Technical Reference Books on Best Available Techniques


The article considers transition to Best Available Techniques (BAT) in Russian construction materials industry. This sector embraces over 400 enterprises, which are included in the list of installations required in 2019–2025 to obtain Integrated Environmental Permits granted on the basis of BAT implementation. Information exchange process aimed at systematization of data describing environmental performance of glass, cement, lime, and ceramic construction materials was started in May 2015. It resulted in the development of draft Information and Technical Reference Books on Best Available Techniques (BREFs), which should be officially approved in December 2015. Before 2019 Russian industries have opportunities to assess their conformance with BATs and to get certified against BREFs requirements voluntarily.

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