Innovation in the Field of the Energy Using
Dr. V.A. Grushnikov, Senior Research Associate, VINITI of RAN, Moscow, Russia,
key words
energy, fuel, parts, thermodynamic cycles, energy storage, energy use, energy efficiency
The successful solution of the problem, to a large extent, promotes the use in power systems and high-performance devices, aggregates, allowing to use energy more efficiently. Optimism gives an analysis of awareness of the importance and the urgent need to review the relationship of humanity to energy savings / energy efficiency problem that became evident, including, in entering into force in 2016-2018, the requirements of the Directive 1253/2014/EU on energy efficiency of the ventilation and air conditioning equipment as well as in numerous structural and technological measures to improve the systems and individual devices used in the industrial and economic activities and everyday life. This Euroreglament provides for the reduction of energy consumption by 2020 different units of buildings by 20%. Available in the EU 160 million buildings consume more than 40 % of all European energy and are the sources of emissions in the atmosphere of 40 % carbon dioxide. The requirements of the new Directive should change for the better the environmental situation in Europe without impairing microclimatic comfort.
1. Zentrale Lüftungsgeräne mit WRG, tab — Fachmedium TGA-Branche, 2014, no. 6.
2. Flache Zentrallüftungsgeräte, tab — Fachmedium TGA-Branche, 2014, no. 5.
3. Raumlüftung für Groβobjekte, tab — Fachmedium TGA-Branche, 2014, no. 6.
4. Welchen Beitrag kann die Kälte und Klimatechnic zur Energiewende leisten, Ki Kälte Luft Klimatechnik, 2014, no. 4.
5. Albers J., Petersen S., Ziegler F., Hanβ A., Hennrich C., Hüls W., Hunt S., Lanser W., Paitazoglou C., Schröder M. Untersuchung von
Regelstrategien für Absorptionskälteanlagen Teil 2: Feldtestsysteme und Betriebsdaten, Ki Kälte Luft Klimatechnik, 2014, no. 4.
6. Raumklimagerä, tab — Fachmedium TGA-Branche, 2014, no. 5.
7. Energieeffizientes Designgerät mit «Intelligent Eye», Ki Kälte Luft Klimatechnik, 2014, no. 5.
8. Kanzlei kühlen und heizen nach Bedarf, Ki Kälte Luft Klimatechnik, 2014, no. 5.
9. 11700 Datenpunkte auf der Serverfarm, Kälte- und Klimatechnic zur Energiewende leisten, Ki Kälte Luft Klimatechnik, 2014, no. 4.
10. Head Pipes and Thermoelectric Cooling Devices. Pat 8904803 USA.
11. Energiesparkur für alle Lüfttungs und Klimageräte, Ki Kälte Luft Klimatechn, 2015, no. 1–2, pp. 50–53.
12. Energieeffeziente Technik für luxuriöse Ansprüche, Ki Kälte Luft Klimatechn, 2015, no. 4, pp. 41–43.
13. Einsatz von SplitKlimageräten, DE: Elektrohandwerk, 2015, no. 12, pp. 41–43.
14. Höchster Komfort effizient geregelt, Ki Kälte Luft Klimatechn, 2015, no. 4, pp. 50–54.
15. Kombinierter Kühl und Heizprozess bei La Compagnic des Fromages, Ki Kälte Luft Klimatechn, 2015, no. 3, pp. 42–45.
16. Secondary Coolant Finned Coil. Pat 8925345 USA.
17. Cooling of Heat Intensive Systems. Pat 8820114 USA.
18. Heat Pump for Heat Source Power Recovering Secondary Solar for Subtropical Climates. Pat 8919144 USA.
19. Rey G., Ulloa C., Cacabelos A., Barragans B. Performance Analysis Model Development and Validation with Experimental Data of an
ICEbased MicroCCHP System, Appl. Therm. Eng, 2015, pp. 233–244.
20. Heating and Cooling System Including a Heat Pump and a Heat Storage Tank. Pat 9127851 USA.
21. Air Cooled Absorption Cooling System Operable by Low Grade Heat. Pat 9134056 USA.
22. Wärmepumpen und HeizKühlElemente rombiniert, Ki Kalte Luft Klimatechn, 2015, no. 10, pp. 49–50.
23. Das Projekt Zukunft hat schon begonnen, Ki Ka-lte Luft Klimatechn, 2015, No 10, pp. 44–47.
24. Praxisuahe Tests für eine optimale Dimensionierung, Ki Kälte Luft Klimatechn, 2015, no. 1–2, pp. 40–42.
25. Kaltlusttabfall in einem Treppenhaus, Ki Kälte Luft Klimatechn, 2015, no. 4, pp. 28–31.