Kompetentnost' 6/117/2014

ISSN 1993-8780

Factors, Determining Fundamental Science


Prof. Dr. L.P. Kleeva, Academician, International Organization Science Academy, Chief, Economy and Business Management Laboratory, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration Graduate School of Corporate Management, Moscow, Russia, lucy45@yandex.ru

Dr. I.V. Kleev, Assistant Professor, Head Scientific Worker, Economy and Business Management Laboratory, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration Graduate School of Corporate Management, Moscow, Russia

Dr. A.K. Nikitova, Head Scientific Worker, Economy and Business Management Laboratory, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration Graduate School of Corporate Management, Moscow, Russia

A.Yu. Krotov, Scientific Worker, Economy and Business Management Laboratory, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration Graduate School of Corporate Management, Moscow, Russia

key words

fundamental research, science environment, cumulative investment, human capital


The fundamental role of science in society is well-known. Its results are the source and foundation of true innovation and expertise of the scientists working in it could be the key to the success of decisions taken in the society. The level of fundamental research determines the potential of the entire scope of the research and innovation, as well as the education system in the country. Issues related to the development of domestic fundamental science cause particular interest in the Russian society in connection with the radical reform of the state academies.
The article deals with the key factors, determining fundamental science in Russia. Authors separate the most important long run factors, determining fundamental science development in long run period and short run factors having an influence on it in short run period.
Separating long run factors demands to solve problems of exposure scientific activity deep basic, such as science environment forming as a result of long run science schools activity.
Basing on this conclusions analyzing of current fundamental science development is made. Also basic elements of calling to rising research level and efficiency government policy in Russia are formulated.
The article is recommended to scientific workers analyzing modern scientific development problems, first of all fundamental science, and also to managers forming government policy in science-innovation sphere.

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2. Kleeva L.P. Ekonomicheskie mekhanizmy upravleniya rossiyskimi nauchnymi organizatsiyami v usloviyakh rynochnykh preobrazovaniy

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3. Kleeva L.P. Funktsionirovanie otraslevoy nauki v Rossii v novykh ekonomicheskikh usloviyakh: monografija [Operation of Russia industrial science in the new economic environment], Moscow, Ekonomicheskiy fakul’tet MGU, 2002.

4. Kleeva L.P., Kleev I.V. Effektivny li novye innovatsionnye proekty? [How effective are new innovative projects?], Kompetentnost’, 2011, no. 3 (84).

5. Kleeva L.P., Kleev I.V., Nikitova A.K., Krotov A.Yu. Sistema obrazovaniya v nauchno-innovatsionnom protsesse [Education system in science and innovation process], Vestnik Yuzhno-Rossijskogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta, 2013, no. 5.

6. Kleeva L.P., Kleev I.V., Nikitova A.K., Krotov A.Yu. Vzaimodeystvie nauki i obrazovaniya v otechestvennom nauchno-innovatsionnom processe [Interaction of science and education in domestic science and innovation process], Kompetentnost’, 2013, no 8 (109).

7. Fundamental’naya nauka v Rossii [Fundamental science in Russia], Moscow, Institut problem razvitija nauki RAN, 2014.

Опечатка в тексте. В журнале «Компетентность» № 2–2014 в статье «Стандартные образцы в системе контроля качества угольной продукции» была допущена неточность в фамилии одного из соавторов: следует читать Эпштейн С.А. Приносим свои извинения автору и читателям журнала.