Kompetentnost' 7/148/2017
ISSN 1993-8780
Formation of the Regional Agro-industrial Cluster
Prof. Dr. T.A. Salimova, Professor, Dean, Head of Department, Ogarev Mordovian State University, Saransk, Republic of Mordovia, Russia, t.a.salimova@econom.mrsu.ru
Prof. Dr. N.D. Gus'kova, Professor, Head of Department, Ogarev Mordovian State University, Saransk, Republic of Mordovia, Russia, menegment310@mail.ru
Yu.M. Sapego, Deputy Head, Voronezh Branch, Academy of Standardization, Metrology and Certification (training), Voronezh, Russia, akd@asms-vrn.ru
key words
regional agro-industrial cluster, management system, production quality and safety, Coordination center of production quality
and safety of the cluster
The policy of import substitution, WTO requirements, the EEU, political sanctions and the instability of financial markets require improving management mechanisms and integration of enterprises in the agro-industrial sector. We consider, that the highest competitiveness of production and the efficiency of integration processes are observed in cluster formations.
We have proposed a project for forming a regional agro-industrial cluster in the Voronezh Region on the basis of SWOT analysis, the application of expert and statistical methods for identifying regional clusters and a regional agro-industrial cluster based on a system approach to quality management and product safety. We have developed the main stages of forming and improving the quality and safety management system of the considered regional agro-industrial cluster.
Also it is defined that the structure and the main functions of its management body — the Coordination Center for Quality and Safety of Products.
We suppose that the implementation of these approaches will result in achieving the level of sustainable development of the region, its economic growth, improving the population’s life quality, improving the state of the environment, ensuring quality and safety of food products.
1. Salimova T.A., Sapego Yu.M. Sistemnoe upravlenie kachestvom i bezopasnost’yu agropromyshlennoy produktsii kak instrument politiki importozameshcheniya [System Management of Agro-industrial Production Quality and Safety is the Instrument of the Import Policy], Kompetentnost’, 2016, no. 9–10(140–141), pp. 40–45.
2. Voronezh Region Department of Industry, Transport and Innovation Order of 25.04.2012 N 67 On the approval of the concept of the Voronezh Region cluster policy in the industrial sector of the economy.
3. Voronezh Region Law of 30.06.2010 N 65-OZ On the Strategy for Social and Economic Development of the Voronezh Region for the period to 2020.
4. Sapego Yu.M. K voprosu realizatsii klasternogo podkhoda v agropromyshlennom komplekse (na primere Voronezhskoy oblasti), Standartizatsiya, upravlenie kachestvom i obespechenie informatsionnoy bezopasnosti v pererabatyvayushchikh otraslyakh APK
i mashinostroenii: materialy III Mezhd. nauch.-prakt. konf. [On the implementation of the cluster approach in the agro-industrial complex (on the example of the Voronezh Region)], Voronezh, VGUIT, 2016, pp. 16–25.
5. Voronezh Region Government Resolution of 24.07.2015 N 618 On the approval of the regional scheme (plan) for the development and deployment of the productive forces of the Voronezh Region.