Definition of Requirements to the Accuracy of the

Measurements at Control

Prof. Dr. S.B. Danilevich, Professor, Novosibirsk Branch, Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification

(Educational), Member, Academy of Quality Problems, Novosibirsk, Russia,

key words

multiparameter testing, risk

of a customer, risk of a producer, imitation modeling, accuracy

оf measurements


I investigated dependence of reliability indicators (risks of the customer and producer) of continuous measuring multiple parameter control of serially let out products on uncertainty of the measurements which are carried out at control. In research the method of definition of requirements to the accuracy of the measurements fulfilled at control based on application of simulation method of control was used. I consider that having provided rather high precision of measurements at control, it is possible to receive the demanded quality of production delivered to the customer.

It is possible to draw the following conclusions:

(1) Improvement of the production technology of products influences improvement of quality of products more significantly, than increase of accuracy of the measurements which are carried out at output quality control;

(2) Having estimated and having compared costs of improvement of the production technology and increase of accuracy of measurements at control, it’s possible to choose the most economic way of improvement of quality of products;

(3) When determining of requirements to the accuracy of the measurements fulfilled at control (that is necessary when developing a technique of control) it is necessary to use not average estimates of risks of the customer and producer, and their upper confidential bounds which for a small lot of products can exceed the admissible value of risk of the customer established by the customer.

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