Environmental and Energy Policy Priorities through the Prism of the BAT Implementation in Industry

Dr. E.G. Gasho, Expert of the Analytical Centre at the Government of the Russian Federation, Associate Professor of the National Research University Moscow Energy Institute, Moscow, Russia, 290461@bk.ru

Dr. Prof. T.V. Guseva, Head of Training and Consulting Center, Russian Bureau of Best Available Techniques, Moscow, Russia, tatiana.v.guseva@gmail.com

Dr. M.V. Stepanova, Associate Professor of the Technical University of Ural Mining Metallurgical Company, Еkaterinburg, Russia, stpnva@mail.ru

K.A. Shchelchkov, Secretary of the Technical Working Group TRG 48 Energy Efficiency Enhancement, Russian Bureau of Best Available Techniques, Moscow, Russia, trg48@burondt.ru

key words

environmental and energy policy, energy efficiency, Best Available Techniques, Reference Books on Best Available Techniques, Energy Management Systems


We consider development and expected implementation areas of the new Russian Information and Technical Reference Book on Best Available Techniques for Energy Efficiency Enhancement. This inter-sectoral Reference Book is addressed to industries categorized as installations causing significant environmental impact and consuming substantial amount of energy in their production processes. Technological, technical and managerial solutions are presented in the Reference Book to attract attention of practitioners and provide them with advice necessary to select Best Available Techniques and comply with compulsory sectoral Technological Parameters.

We emphasize that Energy Management System is not only a reliable Best Available Techniques itself, but also a powerful instrument for selecting and implementing technological and technical solutions needed to enhance energy efficiency and motivate employees.

Editorial board. The article was prepared with the support of the Russian-German project Climatically neutral economic activity. Introduction of the Best Available Techniques in the Russian Federation.

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2. RF Federal Law № 219-FZ of 21.07.2014 On Amending the Federal Law On Environmental Protection and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation (In Russia).
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