Software Complex for the Control of Antifriction
Tribosystems’ Characteristics
Prof. Dr. A.G. Syrkov, FSBEI, St. Petersburg Mining University (SPMU), St. Petersburg, Russia,, Full member, Academy of Natural Sciences
A.A. Vinogradova, Graduate, FSBEI, SPMU, St. Petersburg, Russia
Dr. A.V. Boykov, Assistant, FSBEI, SPMU, St. Petersburg, Russia
key words
lubricant control, tribotechnics, nanotribology, metal additives, software, non-destructive testing
In these article we have shown that development of the grease’ tribological characteristics control basing on analyzing the impact of functional depending non- linear components on their properties is very important. We have also described the software system algorithm for monitoring anti-friction tribosystems’ characteristics on the friction machine.
Created program complex allowed forming a database that contains the experimental values of strength and friction coefficient at different load pressures for the system of metal-grease, as well as the results of their treatment. The generated database will allow performing statistical analysis of tribosystems’ properties to determine their effectiveness and reliability.
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