Application of Haar Wavelets in Developing of Reinforcement Constructions Scheme

of Composite Materials

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yu.I. Deniskin, Head of Department, Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia,

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yu.I. Bityukov, Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia,

key words

composite materials, automatic layout, reinforcement scheme, geometric modelling, spline wavelets


In this study we have considered the use of Haar wavelets in calculation process modelling in automation system of compositive materials constructions design.

We have considered that in mathematical model of variable width tape laying on technological mandrel surface laying is modelled using a smooth mapping of the rectangle in three-dimensional Euclidean space. Chaikin’s algorithm has been generalized to account the surface shape changes according to the thickness of the tape. We have shown how to model surfaces of arbitrary shape and orders of smoothness with its help. We have offered an algorithm of optimal tapes placement made of composite material on a complex curvilinear surface in terms of reducing overlaps and eliminating gaps zones.

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