Design of Quality Management System Processes

Using QFD Methodology

Prof. Dr. V.V. Miroshnikov, Professor, Quality Management, Standardization and Metrology Department, FSBEI Bryansk

State Technical University, Bryansk, Russia,

Assoc. Prof. Dr. N.M. Borbats’, Associate Professor, Quality Management, Standardization and Metrology Department, FSBEI Bryansk State Technical University, Bryansk, Russia,

key words

design processes, processes

of quality management system, quality function deployment


The design quality management processes is one of key within the limits of management processes. Efficiency of performance depends on the design processes quality, and it, and all system of processes. The design quality management processes can affect reduction in expenses, maintenance of flexibility, to promote rational performance of works. We have considered the problem of improving the design quality management processes based on the application of quality function deployment’s methodology (QFD). We are confident that a reasonable selection of components features as a model of process (inputs, outputs, control actions, resources and subprocesses) is carried out by using QFD linkages matrix. We consider, that such approach will promote the common improvement of quality and competitiveness of production.

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