Standardization and Import Substitution. High-Tech Products Industry

Prof. Dr. V.Yu. Korchak, Chairman, Section of Applied Problems, Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Full Member, Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences, Moscow, Russia,

A.Yu. Sergeeva, Postgraduate, FSBEI HPI MAI, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia

key words

import substitution, the aviation industry, standardization, competitiveness


The article examines the impact of import substitution policies on the development of the aviation industry, reflects changes in the volume of domestic production and supply of aeronautical engineering at both the domestic and foreign markets, and shows the role of standardization system in the production of high­quality products in the aviation industry. We have presented a set of measures, necessary for production of competitive high­tech products as part of a policy of import substitution. Import substitution is necessary to stimulate the development of advanced standardization in aviation industry and in other sectors of the domestic economy. We believe that developing new technologies and developing standards for them, our country can not only produce high­quality aircraft, but also to compete in the world market with other manufacturers, argue the authors of the article.

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