Kompetentnost' 7/138/2016
ISSN 1993-8780
Efficiency of Scientometric Estimates of Scientific
Results and Competence
Assoc. Prof. Dr. V.V. Glushchenko, Professor, Institute of Transport Equipment and Control Systems, Moscow State
University of Railway Engineering (MIIT), Moscow, Russia, glu-valery@yandex.ru
Assoc. Prof. Dr. I.I. Glushchenko, Professor, Accounting, Analysis and Audit Department, Russian State Social
University (RGSU), Moscow, Russia, prepodavatel-gii@mail.ru
key words
efficiency, scientometrics, capital, competence, organization, competentiology, assessment, innovation, project, finance, result
The study of science is encouraged to be developed as a part of competentiology. Cultural studies of scientometrics are developing. Additional scientometric performance criteria of competency use are offered.
We have considered the efficiency approach to measuring the level of the organization’s personnel competence; examined the problems of efficiency scientometric measurement processes and results of research and innovation activity, scientometric measurement of human capital of the organization; proposed criteria of more accurate and reliable scientometric evaluation of scientific results and staff organization competence, as well as the efficiency of using this competence.
We have also proposed criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of scientometric activities on the basis of measurement errors of the first and second kind during scientometric evaluation of scientific results and organization specialists’ competency.
We consider it expedient to develop the study of science as a part competence study and offer additional scientometric criteria for the effective competency use.
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2. Glushchenko V.V., Glushchenko I.I. Motiviruyushchee i demotiviruyushchee obshchenie rukovoditelya s podchinennymi kak chast’ menedzhmenta organizatsii [Motivating and demotivating communication of the head with his subordinates as a part of organization’s management], Mezhdunarodnyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy zhurnal, #5 (47), 2016, Chast 1, May, s. 51-54/http:research-journal.org/
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5. Glushchenko V.V., Glushchenko I.I. Kompetentsiologiya kak sostavlyayushchaya sovremennoy nauki, sotsial’noy i ekonomicheskoy
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6. Glushchenko V.V., Glushchenko I.I. Mashinologiya: vliyanie riska kompetentnosti na finansovyy rezul’tat korporativnogo innovatsionnogo predprinimatel’stva [Mashinologiya: the impact of competency on the financial performance of corporate innovation business], Moscow, Ekonomika i predprinimatel’stvo, 2015, # 1, pp. 900–907.
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10. Glushchenko V.V. Korruptsiologiya: sotsial’nyy aspekt (sotsial’naya korruptsiologiya) [The study of corruption: the social aspect], Мoscow, Glushchenko Valeriy Vladimirovich, 2012, 88 P.
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12. Glushchenko V.V., Glushchenko I.I. Geopoliticheskaya ekonomika [Geopolitical economy], Мoscow, Glushchenko Valeriy Vladimirovich,
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13. Glushchenko V.V., Glushchenko I.I. Obrazovanielogiya: kultura, kontseptsii obrazovaniya i optimizatsiya kompetentnosti personala organizatsii [Education: culture, the concept of education and organization’s personnel competency], Ekonomika i predprinimatel’stvo,
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15. Glushchenko V.V., Glushchenko I.I. Naukologiya: zadacha modernizatsii nauki i innovatsionnoy deyatel’nosti [Scientometrics: the task of modernization of science and innovation], Moscow, Glushchenko Irina Ivanovna, 2015. — 116 s.