Kompetentnost' 7/128/2015
ISSN 1993-8780
key words
flotation, three-phase flow, pulp, the structure of the flow, flow separation, bubble mode, stratified mode
In the present paper we propose a measuring system that allows to measure the flow rate and density of the two-component product — pulp in a three-phase environment (solid, liquid and gaseous phases), transported through hydrotransport system connecting units ore processing enterprises. The ways that allow mutual settlements between departments or processing enterprise are on consideration.
The problem of ensuring a reliable metrological flow and density measurement products, transmitted and received by various production units, arose because of restructuring of mining and processing enterprises. Of particular difficulty is the process of determining the flow rate and the density of pulp supplied to the pipe system after the flotation process, when it contains a gas. At least seven of the flow parameters are required in order to determine the flow parameters of the three-phase measurements. They are density of the two phases, the three values of velocity, pressure and temperature.
We have presented a diagram of a device that allows measuring the flow rate and density of the two-component product in the three-phase medium pulp consisting of four primary measuring converters: flow, level, density and pressure.
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