Technical Committee Best Available Technologies: New Directions for Development
M.A. Volosatova, Specialist, Department of Standardization, Methodology and Assessment of BAT, Federal State Autonomous Institution Research Institute Environmental Industrial Policy Center (FSAU Research Institute EIPC), Moscow, Russia,
Dr. О.V. Grevtsov, Head, Department of Standardization, Methodology and Assessment of BAT, FSAU Research Institute
EIPC, Moscow, Russia
Dr. M.V. Begak, Leading Researcher, Saint-Petersburg Research Center for Ecological Safety of the Russian Academy
of Sciences (NCEB RAS), Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science, Leading Researcher, FSAU Research Institute EIPC, Moscow, Russia
key words
standardization, sustainable development, government regulation, information and technical reference books on BAT, technological regulation
In the Russian Federation, Best Available Techniques (BAT) are identified and Reference Documents (BREF) are developed within the standardization process. Technical Committee TC 113 was established in 2014. At the initial stage, TC 113 supported development of a number of national standards which made a methodological basis for the future drawing up of the Russian Reference Documents on Best Available Techniques (BREFs). Since its establishment, TC 113 has been assuring that Technical Working Groups draw up and review BREFs and national BAT-related standards in accordance with the standardization requirements.
In 2015–2017, 51 BREFs were drawn up for major sectors of economy such as metallurgy, mining, energy generation, hydrocarbon exploration and extraction, chemical and construction materials industry, etc. Since 2018, TC 113 has been co- ordinating development of the national standards which have to support Russian industries implementing BATs, improving environmental self-monitoring practices, preparing environmental performance enhancement programmes and applying for integrated environmental permits. Thereby a principally new system of national standards in the field of Best Available Techniques is being formed to support achievement of the strategic national development objectives and implementation of the national project The Environment in which BATs and technical regulation in the field of resource and energy efficiency form an integral and important part.
informatsionno-tekhnicheskogo spravochnika [Best Available Techniques.
1. Rekomendatsii po politike v oblasti standartizatsii i sotrudnichestva po voprosam normativnogo regulirovaniya [Recommendations
on the Standardization Policy and Co-operation in the Regulatory Field], Zheneva, UNECE, 2012.
2. Nailuchshie dostupnye tekhnologii i kompleksnye ekologicheskie razresheniya: perspektivy primeneniya v Rossii: monografiya / M.V. Begak i dr. [Best Available Techniques and Integrated Environmental Permits: Perspectives for the Implementation in Russia], Moscow, YurInfoR-Press,
3. Federal Act of 21.07.2014 N 219-FZ On including alterations to the Federal Act ‘On the Environmental Protection’ and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation.
4. Federal Act 29.06.2015 N 162-FZ On Standardization in the Russian
5. RF Government Order of 31.10.2014 N 2178-r On adopting staged time-schedule for drawing up of sectoral reference documents on Best Available Techniques in 2015–2017.
6. RF Government Decree of 23.12.2014 N 1458 On identifying technology as Best Available Techniques and on drawing up, reviewing and publishing of information and technical reference documents on Best Available Techniques.
7. RF Government Order of 24.12.2014 N 2674-r On approving the list of the fields (sectors) of Best Available Techniques implementation.
8. Guseva T.V., Dayman S.Yu., Khotuleva M.V., Vinichenko V.N., Venitsianov E.V., Molchanova Ya.P., Zaika E.A. Ekologicheskaya informatsiya i printsipy raboty s ney [Environmental Information], Moscow, Ekolayn, 1998.
9. GOST R 56828.13 Nailuchshie dostupnye tekhnologii. Format opisaniya tekhnologiy [Best Available Techniques. Format for describing techniques].
10. GOST R 56828.14 Nailuchshie dostupnye tekhnologii. Struktura
Structure of the Reference Document].
11. GOST R 56828.15 Nailuchshie dostupnye tekhnologii. Terminy i opredeleniya [Best Available Techniques. Terms and definitions].
12. Skobelev D.O. i dr. Sravnitel’nyy analiz protsedur razrabotki, peresmotra i aktualizatsii spravochnikov po nailuchshim dostupnym tekhnologiyam v Evropeyskom soyuze i Rossiyskoy Federatsii / pod
red. D.O. Skobeleva (na russkom i angliyskom yazykakh) [Сomparative
Analysis of the Drawing up and Review of Reference Documents
on Best Available Techniques in the European Union and in the Russian
Federation], Moscow, Pero, 2018.
13. Nailuchshie dostupnye tekhnologii. Opredelenie markernykh veshchestv v razlichnykh otraslyakh promyshlennosti [Best Available Techniques. Identifying marker substances for various branches
of industry], Moscow, Pero, 2017.
14. RF President Order of 7.05.2018 N 204 On National Goals
and Strategic Objectives of the Russian Federation through to 2024.
15. Manturov D.V. Perekhod na nailuchshie dostupnye tekhnologii
v aspekte sovremennoy promyshlennoy politiki Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Transferring to Best Available Techniques: the aspect of the modern industrial policy of the Russian Federation], Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta, Seriya 6, Ekonomika, 2018, no. 4, pp. 25–34.
16. Nailuchshie dostupnye tekhnologii. Predotvrashchenie i kontrol’ promyshlennogo zagryazneniya. Etap 2: Podkhody k opredeleniyu nailuchshikh dostupnykh tekhnologiy (NDT) v stranakh mira. Upravlenie po okruzhayushchey srede, zdorov’yu i bezopasnosti Direktsii
po okruzhayushchey srede OESR / Per. s angl. pod red. D.O. Skobeleva [Best Available Techniques for Preventing and Controlling Industrial Pollution. Stage 2: Approaches to Establishing Best Available Techniques Around the World, Environment, Health and Safety, Environment Directorate, OECD], Moscow, 2018.