Method of Introducing New Requirements into the

Existing Standardization System at the Enterprise

I.P. Vasil’eva, Head, Department for the Support of Academic Councils of the University, Postgraduate of the Department of Production of Aircraft and Quality Management in Mechanical Engineering of the FSAO Higher Education, S.P. Korolev Samara National Research University (Samara University), Samara, Russia,

key words

standardization, norms integration, FMEA, requirements


I studied the actual problem of introducing standards in the organization’s quality management system, the types of interaction. To analyze the consequences of potential inconsistencies in the interaction of standards, I proposed the FMEA model and the methodology for the overall assessment of the organization’s standardization system. When developing standards for innovative products and/or technology, interactions arise that can be described using set theory. As a result, the requirements of the standards either complement, or they contradict one another.

As the number of standards increases, there are risks of their requirements conflict. As a result of the analysis of standards, it becomes necessary to give an overall assessment of the organization’s standardization system. To this end, I propose to evaluate the following parameters: workload requirements, their feasibility, interaction, openness, accessibility, compliance with documented information and deadlines requirements.

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