18 TECHNICAL REGULATION Kompetentnost' 5/126/2015
Technical Reference Documents on BAT: Development
Principles and Implementation Perspectives
Prof. Dr. T.V. Guseva, Professor, Management and Marketing Department, D. Mendeleev University of Chemical
Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia, tguseva@muctr.ru
Dr. M.V. Begak, Deputy Chairman, TC 133 “Best Available Techniques”, Leading Researcher, St. Petersburg Scientific
Research Center for Ecological Safety of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia
Dr. Ya.P. Molchanova, Associate Professor, D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia
key words
Best Available Techniques (BATs), Information and Technical Reference Books on BATs, methodological standards, resource efficiency, environmental performance
The article discusses Russian Information and Technical Reference Books on Best Available Techniques (IT BREFs) that are being prepared currently for major branches of the national economy. Technical Working Groups (TRGs) have to compile all necessary materials and to issue draft IT BREFs by September 2015. To support TRGs, Russian Bureau of Best Available Techniques decided to work out a series of methodological standards on the development and practical implementation of IT BREFs. The article analyses major standard covering such issues as analysis of environmental issues associated with various industries, benchmarking of resource efficiency and environmental performance of Russian industries, economics and cross- media effects. Practical examples help readers to understand new approaches and implement them for the development and implementation of IT BREFs.
1. Federal law from July 21, 2014 No 219-FL «On Amendments to the Federal Law «On Environmental Protection» and some legislative acts of the Russian Federation» (In Russia).
2. Federal Law from January 10, 2002 No 7-FL (ed. July 21, 2014) «On Environmental Protection» (In Russia).
3. Government Order of the Russian Federation from October 31, 2014 No 2178-r «On approval of the phased schedule creation in 2015-2017 of branch directories for best available technologies» (In Russia).
4. Prestandard 22–2014 The Best Available Technologies. Terms and definitions (In Russia).
5. RF Government order from 23.12.2014 No 1458 On the procedure for determining the technology as the best available technique, as well as the development, updating and publication of information and technical manuals on best available techniques (In Russia).
6. Begak M.V., Boravskaya T.V., Ruut Yu., Molchanova Ya.P., Zakharov A.I., Sivkov S.P. Nailuchshie dostupnye tekhnologii
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7. Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 on industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control), Official Journal of the European Union, 17.12.2010, P. L.334/17-L334/119/.
8. Gosudarstvennye doklady o sostoyanii i ob okhrane okruzhayushchey sredy Rossiiskoy Federatsii [State reports on the state and environmental protection of the Russian Federation], Ofitsial’nyi sait Ministerstva prirodnykh resursov i ekologii Rossiiskoy Federatsii, rezhim dostupa: http://www.mnr.gov.ru/regulatory/list.php?part=1101/.
9. Industrial energy efficiency accelerator. Guide to the brick sector, London: Carbon Trust, 2010, 85 p.
10. Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Document for the Manufacture of Glass. European Commission. Joint Research Centre. Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, 2013. URL: http://eippcb.jrc.ec.europa.eu/reference/BREF/GLS_ Adopted_03_2012.pdf.
11. Reference Document on Economics and Cross-Media Effects. European Commission, 2006. URL: http://eippcb.jrc.ec.europa.eu/
12. Koloyartseva E.V., Ermolenko B.V. Analiz sushchestvuyushchikh metodov ekologo-ekonomicheskoy otsenki vozdeistviya predpriyatii na okruzhayushchuyu sredu [The analysis of existing methods of environmental and economic assessment of the impact on the environment], Uspekhi v khimii i khimicheskoy tekhnologii, V. XXII, 2008, no. 13(93).
13. Cherp O.M., Vinichenko V.N., Khotuleva M.V., Molchanova Ya.P., Daiman S.Yu. Ekologicheskaya otsenka i ekologicheskaya ekspertiza [Environmental assessment and expertize], M.: Ekolain, 2000.
14. RF Federal Law from 27/12/2002 no. 184-FZ On technical regulation.