Kompetentnost' 5/116/2014
ISSN 1993-8780
Analysis of the Program Budgeting Experience in the Russian Regions. Its Prospects
O.I. Yakovenko, Graduate, Department of Economy State Regulation, International Institute of Public Service and Management, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Service at the RF President, Москва, Россия, y_olesya_i@mail.ru
key words
budget, program-oriented planning, program budgeting, state programs
Increases of efficiency of the government can be achieved introduction first of all program principles of budgetary planning. The first attempts of practical application in the Russian Federation such principles are connected to realization in 2004–2010 of the regional finance reforming programs, and then and programs of increase of efficiency of budgetary charges.
The author investigates introduction of the program budget in the Russian Federation. During research the author considers the Russian regions which have seeked for the greatest successes at introduction in practice of financing of the program budget: Republic Sakha (Yakutia), Moscow, Republic Komi.
The article presents an analysis of the experience of the Russian Federation’s highly developed regions’ transition to the program-target principle of budget planning. The features and problems of the various approaches to the construction of program budgeting that are of scientific and practical interest for the formation of public programs at the federal level are distinguished. A number of topical issues that have arisen while the implementation of software tools in the federal budget of modern Russia are identified.
1. OECD Budget Practices and Procedures Database, Phase II, Final Glossary, 19 December 2006, p. 6.
2. RF Government regulation, 22.05.2004 no. 249 (ed. 06.04.2011) On measures to enhance the effectiveness of budget expenditures, Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF, 31.05. 2004, no. 22, art. 2180.
3. Budget code of the Russian Federation of 31.07.1998 no. 145-FZ (ed. 28.12.2013, var. 03.02.2014), Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF,
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