Improving the Efficiency of the Civil Service Using
Motivational Tools
O.A. Pan’shin, Deputy Head, Management Administration and External Relations, Head, Staffing and Anti-corruption
Department, Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology, Moscow, Russia,
key words
public service, performance, productivity, motivation, improvement of management systems
The state’s and the nation’s welfare depends on the degree of effectiveness of the public service. There is a point of view that the work of the state apparatus can be considered truly effective only if it successfully solves the problem of the optimal protection of the state’s and the citizen’s interests. An effective public service is possible only in the presence of officials who are truly at the service of the society. They appear when the public service is optimal for their quantitative and qualitative parameters, as well as properly motivated.
Any employee is an auxiliary element for the production of material goods. The subject of the work is considered to be an information that serves as a mean of impact. All state employees affect humans through the outbound information from them, presented in the form of acts, decrees, orders, regulations and other documents required to implement relevant groups of individuals or organizations. Ideally, these authorities must not be used for their own purposes.
How to ensure the effectiveness of the work of the state apparatus in the long-term projects? In is impossible to achieve this goal without creating a motivation system for civil servants. The current system is not able to massevly attract the most prepared and talented Russians to the public service. Cheap administration is the most expensive management in the world.
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