Safety of Polymeric and Laсquer Materials are used for Interior Decoration
N.S. Naydenova, Graduate Student, Dmitry Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia,
Dr. G.E. Smirnova, Associate Professor, Dmitry Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow,
Dr. Kh.A. Nevmyatullina, Associate Professor, Dmitry Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia,
key words
safety of polymeric and lacquer materials, technical regulations, confirmation of compliance
Most of modern polymer materials widely used in construction due to their high technical properties release into the air environment dangerous to humans and the environment toxic substances. Therefore, the selection of building materials which are safe for human health and the environment must be ensured even at the design stage of urban development facilities. We have considered the current legislative and regulatory documents in the Russian Federation that establish the requirements for safe handling of building materials, as well as the draft of the relevant technical regulations of the Customs Union. We have concluded that the formation of safe construction products’ quality is achievable in the implementation of a set of interrelated activities that must be developed on the basis of stable compliance with the requirements of regulatory documentation that regulates the appropriate level of all phases of the facility construction.
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