Kompetentnost' 1/152/2018
ISSN 1993-8780
Risk Assessment in the Organization’s QMS: Selection of Optimal Management Decisions
Dr. A.A. Spiridonova, Associate Professor, Moscow Technological University, Moscow, Russia, al.spiridonova@gmail.com
Dr. E.G. Khomutova, Professor, Moscow Technological University, Moscow, Russia, khomutova@mail.ru
key words
risk, quality management system, risk management, management decisions, preventive action,
risk-based approach
We have considered the problem of developing optimal and adequate management solutions as one of the most important stages of risk assessment in the organization’s quality management system. This is an actual problem in the light of the formed ideology of the new ISO 9001 standard version concerning the integration of the risk- oriented approach in the organization’s QMS.
This issue is of practical value for organizations that are only implementing QMS, and for those already having a certificate of compliance with the ISO 9001 standard.
We have conducted a critical analysis of existing concepts in the field of risk assessment. Basing on the accumulated experience, we have proposed an original approach to the choice of management decisions. Proposals are based on a staged forming the list of a preventive measures in relation to identified and assessed risks, taking into account the principle of optimality in terms of risk to the consumer and the organization’s resources.
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