Kompetentnost' 8/139/2016
ISSN 19938780
Measurement Management at Implementation of Metrology Works
Dr. B.Ya. Litvinov, Chief Researcher, Department, D.I. Mendeleev Institute for Metrology, St.-Petersburg, Russia, sztul@mail.ru
Prof. Dr. M.V. Okrepilov, Deputy Director, D.I. Mendeleev Institute for Metrology, St.-Petersburg, Russia, m.v.okrepilov@gmail.com
key words
measurement management, comparability, traceability of measurement results, verifications, validations
We have considered the ways to improve the measurement management system to ensure the usability of measurement equipment and to compare the measurement processes for their estimate use. We have also shown ways to ensure traceability of measurements, verification and validation of measuring equipment. Moreover we have consistently identified the following targets:
(a) we have investigated the measurement quality problems, measuring efficiency; (b) we have led the linkage between the subsystems of metrological assurance;
(c) we have analyzed the reasons of measuring information distortion;
(d) we have reviewed the process of confirming the metrological suitability of the metrological equipment;
(e) we have specified the specific of metrological refusal, have led the ways to prevent the metrological refusal;
(f) we have shown the importance of information selection in the measurement management.
We have considered the management of measurement taking into account the provisions of GOST R ISO 10012–2008. Also we have discussed the requirements for measuring instruments and verifications of measuring instruments and have shown the necessity of verification and validation measuring instruments.
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