Kompetentnost' 7/128/2015

ISSN 1993-8780

Metrological Expertise of Engineering Products’ Design Documentation

Dr. E.V. Zimina, Associate Professor, Machine-building Technology Systems Department, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named by R.E. Alekseev, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, scheinrich@mail.ru

Dr. V.N. Kaynova, Associate Professor, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Department, Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named by R.E. Alekseev, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, kainovavn@yandex.ru

Dr. V.G. Kutyaykin, Head of Department, Standardization, Certification and Quality Management, Nizhniy Novgorod Branch, FSAEU FVT Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, kutyaykinvg@mail.ru


key words

metrological expertise, design documentation, geometrical parameters, standards of accuracy, testability, methods, evaluation criteria, regulations


In accordance with the Federal Law “On ensuring the unity of measurements” metrological examination is a form of state regulation in the area of traceability. Its main goal is to achieve efficiency of metrological maintenance, implementation of general and specific requirements for metrological support of the most appropriate methods and tools. Provisions of the Federal Law No 102 regulate the metrological examination of the standards of design, engineering, technical documentation and other objects.

Metrological examination of the design documentation is of the greatest volume and causes significant difficulties to the experts-metrologists. That’s why we have developed a method for carrying out metrological examination of design documentation based on the requirements of regulatory documents and practice of teaching our training modules.

The procedure involves basic tasks, evaluation criteria and regulations necessary for the implementation of metrological examination of design documentation. The contents of the main provisions of the methodology and the need to consider the requirements of specific industries are shown.

Thus, emphasizing the role of metrological examination of the design documentation as a form of state regulation in the area of traceability, we proposed a method of carrying out the regulatory framework and metrological expertise of design documentation for the various branches of engineering.

  1. RF Federal Law from 26/06/2008 N 102-FZ On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements (In Russia).

  2. RMG 63–2003 State system of ensuring uniformity of measurements. Ensuring the effect of measurements by the control of technological processes. Metrological examination of technical documents. (In Russia).

  3. RF Federal Law from 27/12/2002 N 184-FZ On Technical Regulation (In Russia).

  4. RF Government Order from 31/10/2009 N 879 On approval of the terms of the quantities allowed for use in the Russian Federation (In Russia).

  5. Firstov V.G., Kononogov S.A., Lysenko V.G. Metrologicheskoe obespechenie izmereniy geometricheskikh velichin v mashinostroenii [Metrological assurance of measurements of geometric quantities in engineering], Mir izmereniy, 2004, no. 6, pp. 4–6.

  6. Chaporgin V.S., Panov D.V., Pomortsev P.M. Sostoyanie i perspektivy razvitiya sistemy metrologicheskogo obespecheniya raketno- kosmicheskoy tekhniki [State and prospects of metrological support of rocket and space technology system development], Mir izmereniy, 2013, no. 9, pp. 3–7.

  7. Kutyaykin V.G., Kainova V.N., Teslenko E.V. etc. Metrologicheskaya ekspertiza tekhnicheskoy dokumentatsii i osnovy normokontrolya: uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie [Metrological examination of the technical documentation and the basis of normative control], Nizhniy Novgorod, NGTU, 2012, 128 p.

  8. Kainova V.N., Lebedev G.I., Teslenko E.V. Metrologicheskaya ekspertiza tekhnicheskoy dokumentatsii [Metrological examination of the technical documentation], Nizhniy Novgorod, NGTU, 2010, 40 p.

  9. RF GOST RV 8.573–2000 State system of ensuring unity of measurements. Metrological examination of samples of arms and military equipment. Organization and order of carrying out (In Russia).

  10. RD 34.11.502–95 Methodical instructions. The organization and an order of carrying out metrological examination of documentation at the project and design stage (In Russia).

  11. RD 32.73–97 Оrder of carrying out of the technical documents metrological examination (In Russia).
