Formation оf Performance Indicators Nomenclature of the National Standardization System

D.I. Kalashnikov, Applicant, FSUE STANDARTINFORM, Moscow, Russia

Dr. A.A. Streha, Leading Researcher, FGBUN «Market Economy Institute, RAS», Moscow, Russia,

key words

standardization, efficiency, information support


We have reviewed the problems of indicators formation of the national system range in the sphere of standardization activities. We have denoted indicators of the general state system of standardization, the development and dissemination of standards. We consider that development of assessment methods of the national standardization system based on the formation of indicators system is objectively necessary. We have analyzed the range of the national standardization system activities indicators. The range includes the characteristics of standardization system general condition, of standards development and dissemination. These include indicators that characterize the functioning of technical committees on standardization, information support of the standardization efficiency. We have shown that the assessment of demand for information standards and effectiveness of their distribution includes both natural and financial indicators.

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