The Role of Self-Organization in the Innovative

Development of Complex Technical Systems

Prof. Dr. А.V. Leonov, Leading Researcher, FSBI Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia,

Dr. А.Yu. Pronin, Senior Researcher, FSBI Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia,

key words

self-organization, complex technical system, innovative development, state program


We have shown the role of self-organization in the innovative development of complex technical systems, and have examined the theoretical model of self-organization of such a system, and have shown that in its development the antientropic and classical entropy principles are equal. We have given an example of the implementation of the theoretical model in the process of program-targeted planning for the development of a complex technical system. The program-targeted planning stages and self-organization stage as its main elements were highlighted.

The proposed methodology of self-organization is promising in designing, program- targeted planning and forecasting the prospects for the complex technical system’s development. We believe, it doesn’t contradict the methodology of the system approach, which is the traditional basis of program-targeted planning and management of complex technical systems’ development.

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