Feasibility Study of Calibration Laboratory’s


М.V. Golobokov, Metrology Engineer, FBU The State Regional Center for Standardization, Metrology and Testing in the Novosibirsk Region, Novosibirsk, Russia, malachit_40@inbox.ru

Prof. Dr. S.B. Danilevich, Professor, Academy of Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Novosibirsk Branch), Novosibirsk, Russia, ser-danilevich@yandex.ru

Dr. N.G. Nizovkina, Associate Professor, Department of Economic Theory and Applied Economics, Novosibirsk State

Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia, nizovkina@ngs.ru

key words

calibration, measurement uncertainty, economic effect, cost-effectiveness


We have analyzed an alternative method of instruments calibration, which involves the transfer of a magnitude unit from standards that implement the contact measurement principle.

The study also has showed that the proposed alternative calibration procedure allows:

(a) to reduce the number of calibration instrument points without loss of calibration quality and save up to 40% of the calibrator’s time;

(b) to reduce capital investments by changing the set of equipment for calibration; (c) to reduce annual operating costs by 12%;

(d) to receive an annual economic effect up to 185 thousand rubles (without taking into account the savings of the calibrator’s working hours).

Thus, we have shown that the use of a liquid thermostat with a special insert as a source of radiation reduces the cost of calibration.

In addition, using the proposed methodology, the laboratory for calibrating pyrometers overcomes the profitability threshold when calibrating twice as few devices.

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