Kompetentnost' 4/115/2014

ISSN 1993-8780


Entropy-Tempo Assessment of the Enterprises

Activity Costs & Results

Dr. N.G. Nizovkina, Associate professor, Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia, nizovkina@ngs.ru

key words

entropy costs, entropy results, improvement of the enterprise activity, the Golden rule

of enterprise Economics


In our days the chaotic nature of economic processes increases, so the necessity of the use of entropy for decision-making processes modeling in the enterprise economy is also growing. The relevance and prospects of such scientific development is due to the fact that the company is an open nonlinear dynamic system. A new order and new structures appear in the process of its self-organization. The market uncertainty has no statistical nature, as it is characterized by an excessive increase in the number of alternatives, and even the very close initial conditions have significant discrepancies in the assessment of the results in the future. I’m sure entropy approach allows to take into account the risks, if it is used in conjunction with other administrative and economic concepts and theories.

As objects of observation in the study I was looking at engineering enterprises of the Novosibirsk. The objective of my research was to identify the area of contact between the economic and management theories in the framework of entropy economy to estimate changes and improvement of the enterprise activity.

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