Evaluation of Critical Facilities Physical Protection
Quality Systems’ Indicator
S.A. Timofeev, Researcher, Eleron, Moscow, Russia
key words
quality, sampling, distribution function, guaranteed rating, moments
We have investigated safety issues of especially important objects. The critical objects are distributed and structurally complex objects, as known. Usually they have large dimensions and take up significant areas which are of interest for possible infringers.
Safe operation of these objects is ensured by application a range of measures, including physical protection systems. Qualitative operation of physical protection systems is determined by object security force possibility excess over the infringers’ possibility.
There are different approaches to the assessment of object protection probability have shown. They are based on the application of the following methods: statistical method, probability-statistical method, time-probability method, method the expert method, the method of artificial intelligence and fuzzy inference method. We have applied the expert and stochastic approach to estimate the probability of facilities’ protection.
Thus, we consider that the expert and stochastic approach for finding the quality index of especially important facilities physical protection systems’ functioning gives reliable results in the determination of their protection probability.
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