Competency-oriented Management of Expert Groups Working in the Field of Best Available Techniques

Dr. D.O. Skobelev, Head of Russian Bureau of Russian Best Available Techniques, Moscow, Russia,

Dr. O.Yu. Chechevatova, Deputy Head Russian Bureau of Russian Best Available Techniques, Moscow, Russia,

Dr. Prof. T.V. Guseva, Head of Training and Consulting Center, Russian Bureau of Russian Best Available Techniques;

Dmitry Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia,, Moscow, Russia

key words

BAT, environmental requirements, regulatory framework, BAT Reference books, conformity assessment, environmental performance and resource efficiency, technical working groups


In the Russian Federation, Best Available Techniques are gradually becoming an instrument of the environmental and the industrial policies. Competent and independent conformity assessment in the field of Best Available Techniques needs special attention to avoid mistakes of numerous certification systems and bodies offering easy registration in accordance with requirements of ISO management standards. We suggest forming a Society of Chartered Experts managed by the National Bureau of Best Available Techniques. These competent and independent experts will be involved in conformity assessment of applications for Integrated Environmental Permits and technological modernization projects seeking the state support. The Society will motivate experts running workshops and study tours, supporting publications and participation in international events. Growing competency, reputation and publicity of Chartered experts in Best Available Techniques will allow them providing various consulting and training services, revising Information and Technical Books and standards, preparing guidance materials for industrialists, etc. This will result in monetising expert competencies and strengthening their positions.

1. RF Federal Law of 21.07.2014 N 219-FZ On Amending the Federal Law On Environmental Protection and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation.

2. RF Government Order of 23.12.2014 N 1458 On the procedure for determining technology as the best available technology, as well as developing, updating and publishing information and technical reference books on the best available technologies (with addition


3. Methodological recommendations for the definition of technology as the best available. Approved by the order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation of 31.03.2015 N 665.

4. ITS 15–2016 Recycling and disposal of waste (except for thermal disposal of waste (waste incineration):

5. Guseva T.V., Chechevatova O.Yu. Nailuchshie dostupnye tekhnologii: otsenka sootvetstviya [Best available techniques: conformity assessment aspects], Kompetentnost’, 2017, no. 3(144), pp. 34–37.

6. ISO 9001:2015. Quality management systems — Requirements.

7. Society for the Environment. Chartered Environmentalist. Practice Direction. Ed. 3.7. Coventry, 2014. URL:

8. Association of Chartered Accountants in the United States. Reciprocity. URL:

9. RF Government Order of 28.12.2016 N 1508 On some issues of the Bureau of Best Available Techniques.