Компетентность 9 –10/120 –121/2014 ТЕХНИЧЕСКОЕ РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЕ 51
аким образом, экспертиза по казала: основными источниками кофеина в пищевых продуктах являются чай и кофе, имеющие много летнюю традицию потребления. Тем не менее в настоящее время наиболее жестко нормируется и контролируется содержание кофеина в так называемых энергетических напитках. Другие сег менты кофеинсодержащих напитков государством в должной степени не ре
Национальный фонд защиты по
требителей считает, что риски потреб
ления кофеина в составе пищевых продуктов и степень их опасности для здоровья человека должны рас сматриваться федеральными органа ми государственной власти в общем русле контроля обеспечения качества и безопасности пищевых продуктов с учетом рисков превышения потребле ния соли, сахара, насыщенных жиров и т.д.
В этой связи российским законо дателям необходимо усилить работу по принятию законов системного ха рактера, имеющих отношение к каждо му жителю страны.
Kompetentnost' 9 –10/120 –121/2014
ISSN 1993-8780
Caffeine: friend or foe?
A.Ya. Kalinin, Director General, National Foundation for the Protection of Consumers, Academician, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS), Moscow, Russia,
key words
National Foundation for Consumer Protection, caffeine-containing foods, caffeine, energy drinks, coffee, tea, examination
The problem of energy drinks in the country has been widely discussed in the media and society. Consumers, food industry professionals and doctors concerns resulted in an appeal to the National Foundation for Consumer Protection for independent examination.
National Foundation for Consumer Protection has developed and implemented the expertanalytical project “Analysis of the consumption risks of caffeinecontaining food products on the Russian consumer market”. The aim of the project is the study and classification of foods containing caffeine and that are included in the diet of different categories of Russian citizens.
In laboratory conditions the analysis of 6 groups of products and drugs containing caffeine (61 samples) was performed. Also the analysis and evaluation of the samples of nonalcoholic soft drinks of 12 bestknown brands was subjected. All the products had a certificate of state registration and entered in the register of Rospotrebnadzor. A comprehensive safety assessment of caffeinecontaining products was carried on, an allowable amount of their consumption was determined; the risks arising from the abuse of caffeine have been analyzed. The examination showed that the main sources of caffeine in foods are tea and coffee with a long tradition consumption.
In addition to energy drinks, other segments of caffeinated beverages are not regulated in the proper degree by the government. We believe that the risks of caffeine intake in food products and the degree of risk to human health should be considered by federal authorities in the mainstream of monitoring quality assurance and food safety, taking into account the risks of excess consumption of salt, sugar, saturated fat, etc. In this regard Russian legislators need to intensify efforts to enact laws of a systemic nature in the public interest.