Formation of the Post-industrial Science Development
Mechanism on the General Theory of Services
Dr. Assoc. Prof. V.V. Glushchenko, Professor, Department of Management and Personnel Management Organization, Russian University of Transportation, Moscow, Russia,
Dr. Assoc. Prof. I.I. Glushchenko , Professor, Department of Accounting and Statistics, Russian State Social
University, Moscow, Russia
key words
science, functions, role, essence, mechanism, development, globalization, services, efficiency
The subject of the article is the essence and structure of the mechanism for the development and enhancement of the effectiveness of post-industrial science. The article is devoted to the formation of a mechanism for the development and enhancement of the efficiency of post-industrial science on the basis of a general theory of services. The relevance of the article is related to the growing importance of science in the context of post-industrial globalization, in the Russian science, the purpose of this article is to form a mechanism for the development and increase of the effectiveness of the post-industrial science, to achieve this goal, the following problems are solved: the nature of post-industrial science is explored; the formation of a mechanism for the development of post-industrial science on the basis of a general theory of services, the importance of such important elements of the mechanism of development and increasing the effectiveness of post-industrial science as mentoring, communication, attention, proposed the functions of state academies of science in the development and enhancement of post-industrial science, and the reliability of scientometric assessments, it was proposed to use blocking technology, a method of financing scientific investigations and innovative projects.
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