Scientifically Technical and Economic Problems of Arctic Development

Prof. Dr. V.Yu. Korchak, Chairman, Applied Problems Section of Russian Academy of Sciences, Full Member of Russian

Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences, Moscow, Russia,

Dr. E.Z. Tuzhikov, Leading Researcher, Applied Problems Section of Russian Academy of Sciences, Advisor of Russian

Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences, Moscow, Russia,

Dr. L.A. Kotelyuk, Leading Researcher, Applied Problems Section of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia,

key words

Arctic, national interests, security, natural resources,

new technologies, development strategy, continental shelf, geopolitics


The Arctic zone is a region of exceptional importance for the economy, national security and foreign economic relations of the Russian Federation. Russia’s mineral and raw material potential is generally sufficient for an independent and effective economic policy in the Arctic. There is a developed infrastructure of marine communications. The effective integration of the mineral resources of this zone in the development processes of the country requires a turn to the ideology and practice of sustainable development in combination with modern political, federal, socio-economic and organizational approaches. The article analyzes and summarizes the materials of the Russian Academy of Sciences, covering a wide range of relevant Arctic research and reflecting the scientific achievements of teams of scientists on the Arctic theme.

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Arctic: ecology and economy, 2015, no. 3(19), pp. 48–53.

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