Kompetentnost' 1/152/2018

ISSN 1993-8780


Formation of Professional Competencies on the Generalized Labor Functions’ Basis

Dr. Е.P. Aristova, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanics, D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia, aristovaep@muctr.ru

Prof. Dr. V.М. Aristov, Vice-Rector for Teaching and Methodical Work, D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia, aristov@muctr.ru

Prof. Dr. А.О. Kharitonov, Head of Department, Department of Standardization and Computer Graphics, D. Mendeleev

University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia, aharitonov@muctr.ru

key words

professional standard, generalized labor functions, qualification levels, educational program

We have devoted this work to the question of forming the curricula’s professional competencies in accordance with the new generation 3++ educational standards’ requirements. We have made a choice of four professional standards, corresponding to this direction by the example of graduate training in the direction of 27.04.01
«Standardization and metrology», Master program «Standardization and certification in the chemical industry».
We have proposed an approach for forming a block of generalized labor functions for the definition of professional competencies based on the qualification levels corresponding to these functions and the positions recommended by professional standards. However, the production orientation of new professional competencies can worsen the quality of undergraduates’ preparation for scientific work. Therefore, we consider it is necessary to complement professional competencies, including generalized labor functions, competencies similar to those of the current educational standard.
We believe that the proposed methodology for determining the competencies of curricula based on the professional standards’ generalized labor functions is of interest to specialists planning educational process in universities and can be used in practice.