Kompetentnost' 5/126/2015

ISSN 1993-8780


Development and Pilot Production of High­Tech

Competitive Products

Prof. Dr. V.Yu. Korchak, Chairman, Section of Applied Problems, Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Full Member, Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences, Moscow, Russia, korchak.v@mail.ru

Dr. E.A. Kruglyaeva, Associate Professor, FSBEI HPI Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (MAI),

Moscow, Russia, kruglyaeva@yandex.ru

Ya.Ya. Golko, Postgraduate, FSBEI HPI MAI, Moscow, Russia, kaf506@mai.ru

key words

aircraft engine, the life cycle,

a single information environment, computer-aided design


Changes in regulatory mechanisms in the Russian industry has forced the majority of enterprises aviation engine to restructure the process of design and organization of production according to the new economic conditions. However, despite the sufficient funding available technological backwardness of enterprises of aero engines manufacturers often eliminates the possibility of an equal compete in the global market of aeroengine production.
Having considered the various aspects of development and pilot production of high­ tech competitive products of such knowledge­intensive sub­sectors of the defense industry as an aircraft engine authors believe it is important to solve the problem through the full integration of production and management processes. They conclude the necessity of creating a unified information environment for these enterprises. It will include both information systems of ERP­class and computer aided design systems with the possibility of integrating these systems.This single integrated automation environment should encompass the design and technological activity not only in the workplace of designers and engineers, but also in the workshops. We believe that serious and long­term work on the implementation and integration of systems of these classes is needed. All these will enable multidirectional transfer of information, the creation of a single compendium, the use of a common database management system, as well as a number of other advantages.

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