Компетентность 7/118/2014 МЕТРОЛОГИя 39

лей (первичных показателей) влияния. Интегральная оценка влияния получе- на в шкале измерения вероятностей, то есть в шкале от 0 до 1, при желании (не-

Список литературы

обходимости) она может быть переве- дена в любую другую шкалу, например от 0 до 100, путем умножения на 100 и округления до целых значений.

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Kompetentnost' 7/118/2014

ISSN 1993-8780


Model Measuring the Impact of Social Networks

Prof. Dr. M.I. Lomakin, Deputy Head Director, FSUE STANDARTINFORM, Moscow, Russia,

N.V Shinelin, Postgraduate, FSUE STANDARTINFORM, Moscow, Russia

Prof. Dr. A.V. Dokukin, Head of Department, FSUE STANDARTINFORM, Moscow, Russia

Dr. G.A Sosedov, Profesor, Competence and Business Informatics Department, Tambov State Technical University, Tambov, Russia

key words

social network influence, rating, model, convolution of criteria


Found guarantee the evaluation of the likelihood that the integral indicator of the influence of exceeds a predetermined level, as a final assessment of the impact of proposed to use assessment in accordance with the criterion of pessimism-optimism of Hurwitz.
The expert-stochastic model to measure the impact of social networks is proposed by the authors. The information on the indicators characterizing the influence of the samples in such model is presented by discrete random variables. Integral indicator of influence, represented as a linear convolution of the individual indicators is seen as a discrete random variable. The authors found the guaranteed results of the probability estimation that the integral indicator of influence exceeds a predetermined level. It is proposed to use the estimation in accordance with the criterion of pessimism-optimism Hurwitz as a final assessment of the impact assessment.

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5. Lomakin M.I., Konovalov V.A. Model’ optimal’noy realizatsii autsorsingovykh rezervov kachestva IT-uslug [The optimal implementation model of outsourcing reserves of quality IT services], Transportnoe delo Rossii, 2012, no. 6.

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