Kompetentnost’ / Competency (Russia) 6 /2019

ISSN 1993-8780


Universal Criterion for High-tech Level

A.V. Nesterov1, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Prof. Dr. Dr., Russian Customs Academy, nesterav@yandex.ru

1 Professor, Moscow, Russia

Citation: Nesterov A.V. Universal Criterion for High-tech Level, Kompetentnost’ / Competency (Russia), 2019, no. 6, pp. 4–11

key words

high-tech society, technological systems, products production systems, logistics


The modern level of development of society is characterized by a high level of technological systems. However, there are problems with the definition of high-tech products production systems, as well as the products themselves. I analyzed the main categories characterizing the high-tech property and their correlation with the help of category and production approaches. High-tech society is characterized by negative manifestations — high-tech crimes, so high-tech systems must have security subsystems. I believe that it is not the criterion of maximum profit (efficiency) of such systems that society needs, but the balance of legitimate interests of the society subjects. The obtained results can intensify the discussion of the topic considered.

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