Компетентность 7/118/2014
Commerce Bank Credit Specialists and Their
Competence Analysis
V.V. Glushchenko, Postgraduate, FSEBI HVT, Financial University under the Government of the RF, Moscow, Russia, glushchenko_89@bk.ru
key words
credit specialist, competence, own capital, model, analysis, logic, structure, efficiency, procedure, solvency assessment, compensation system
It is possible to reduce the likelihood of a banking crisis in our country by increasing the competence of the banks’ loan officers and strengthening their motivation. As a part of the remuneration plan it is necessary to reduce the banks’ debt arrears.
The author explores the influence of loan officers’ competence to achieve short-term and long-term financial goals in banking.
The author in his study defines the concept and the structure of credit specialists’
The influence of the credit specialists’ competence on short-term and long- term financial bank results is investigated. Mathematical model and the structural
& logic scheme of procedures’ economic efficiency impact analysis to increase the creditworthiness of the bank’s equity are used. According to the studies made by the author, he offers to improve the system of compensation of credit bank specialists.
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