Kompetentnost’ / Competency (Russia) 6 /2019

ISSN 1993-8780


Parametrization of Elastomeric Materials for the Test

Equipment Design

V.S. Laguta1, Institute of Industrial Research Ltd., Dr., Moscow, Russia, institut@imail.ru

M.N. Myslivets2, EMIRP Ltd., Moscow, Russia, mail@emirp-rti.com

1 General Director

2 Head of Design and Technology Department

Citation: Laguta V.S., Myslivets M.N. Parametrization of Elastomeric Materials for the Test Equipment Design, Kompetentnost’ / Competency (Russia), 2019, no. 6, pp. 46–49

key words

elastomeric materials, expert appraisal, test equipment, exploitative indicator


We have presented a set of parameters characterizing the properties of elastomeric materials (EM) for testing in the ideal case. We have also shown the difference in the representation of the properties of EMs as parameters and indicators depending on the assigned task associated with the development, manufacture or EM operation. The results of parameters ranking by the significance of influence at exploitative indicator of a multifunctional test equipment are presented (purchase price and installation price) in the article. The examination showed the fundamental possibility of solving the problem in a more complex formulation. This allows to correctly relate the ability of the customer to finance the proposed development already at the technical stage. It is extremely important for a modern market economy in the context of limited available resources (in terms of volume and time).

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