Kompetentnost' 7/148/2017
ISSN 1993-8780
Quasidetermined Model of Thermal Phenomena in Drilling Composite Materials
Assoc. Prof. Dr. S.V. Vantsov, Associate Professor, Department of Instrumentation Technology, Moscow Aviation
Institute, Moscow, Russia, vancov@medpractika.ru
Zve Maung Maung, Postgraduate, Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia, zwemaungmaung@gmail.com
key words
plastic deformation, cutting, deformation, printed circuit boards, temperature of cutting edges, quasideterministic mathematical model
We have found that when processing composite materials, the temperature of the tool in the cutting zone can reach values at which the binder material passes from a solid to a plastic state. This leads to a significant deterioration of the hole internal surface and, as a consequence, to the defect of the product. Production of printed circuit boards is one of the industries for which the assessment of thermal phenomena in the processing of composite materials is critical. Our quasideterministic model makes it possible to calculate the temperature in the drilling zone in a wide range of physical parameters of the composite materials, drill characteristics and processing regimes in advance. The determination of this temperature makes it possible, at the production preparation stage, to determine the permissible resource of the cutting tool and thereby to avoid the appearance of a defect.
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