Kompetentnost' 7/148/2017
ISSN 1993-8780
Joint Management of QMS Processes’ Opportunities and Risks
Prof. Dr. V.V. Miroshnikov, Professor, Quality Management, Standardization and Metrology Department, FSBEI Bryansk
State Technical University, Bryansk, Russia, v.v.miroshnikov@mail.ru
Assoc. Prof. Dr. N.M. Borbats’, Associate Professor, Quality Management, Standardization and Metrology Department, FSBEI Bryansk State Technical University, Bryansk, Russia, borbact@mail.ru
Assoc. Prof. Dr. G.V. Efimova, Associate Professor, Quality Management, Standardization and Metrology Department, FSBEI Bryansk State Technical University, Bryansk, Russia
key words
risk-oriented thinking, risk assessment, capability assessment, FMEA-analysis
Despite the fact that future events can manifest themselves in the form of risk, and in the form of opportunity (chance), almost all literature on this topic is devoted exclusively to risks. We consider, only the decision that is taken on the basis of an analysis of both possible failures and the success of the conceived can be scientifically justified.
The most popular among enterprises is the method of FMEA-analysis of species and technical systems failures consequences. At the same time it is desirable to apply FMEA-analysis in the field of management. To manage the quality of QMS products and processes, we recommend using a comprehensive multilevel FMEA risk analysis and offer for this purpose a methodology for assessing opportunities using a matrix of opportunities levels and risks.
1. Madera А.G. Riski i shansy: Neopredelennost’, prognozirovanie i otsenka [Risks and chances: Uncertainty, forecasting and evaluation], Moscow, KRASAND, 2014, 448 P.
2. Kalinichenko М. Upravlenie vozmozhnostyami [Opportunity management]; http://system-quality.com/ru/ (App. 03.02.2017).
3. Miroshnikov V.V. Model’ kompleksnogo mnogourovnevogo FMEA-analiza slozhnykh system: monografiya [Model of complex multilevel
FMEA-analysis for complex systems: monograph], Bryansk, BGTU, 2012, 124 P.
4. Miroshnikov V.V. Razvitie FMEA-analiza na osnove ispol’zovaniya teorii nechetkikh mnozhestv [FMEA-analysis development on the basis of the fuzzy sets theory], Vestnik Bryanskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta, 2014, no. 4, pp. 153–163.
5. GOST R ISO/МEК 15504–2009 Information technology. Process assessment. Part 1–3.