Kompetentnost' 2/123/2015

ISSN 1993-8780


Favoritism: Research of Essence by Means of Historical Approach

O.A. Panshin, Deputy Chief of Administration, Head, Department, Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology, Moscow, Russia, ukadr@gost.ru

key words

historical aspect, process genesis favoritism, corruption, government, political situation, present


I think, the appeal to a subject of the favoritism existence in Russia as the element functioning along with protectionism in more powerful system, named corruption, is submitted an actual and demanded task. Traditions of relationship between people in a ruling clique create unique type of the person is object of the state power and the subject who realizes it at the same time. This factor had impact on formation of modern officials in general. Despite a significant amount of publications, the subject of favoritism doesn’t cease to interest not only researchers, but also those who try to understand the present and to foresee the future of the fatherland. As element of corruption and basis of survivability of the considered phenomenon and analysis of existence of favoritism in a control system of a modern Russian political situation the author applies historical approach to research of essence of the existence favoritism problem. The application of historical approach in my research of a favoritism problem helped to prove that it is necessary to help only to talents.

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7. Bespal’ko A.A., http://www.s-director.ru/magazine/magdocs/view/85.html.
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Бойцов В.Б., Лемешева О.И., Майданюк Н.Н., Маркелова В.Н. и др.

Декларация о соответствии

Монография / Под научной редакцией Г.В. Панкиной. — М.: АСМС, 2014.

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