Demanded Popular Profession: Specialist in Risk


Assoc. Prof. Dr. V.A. Novikov, Vice-Rector, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution on Further Vocational

Training, Academy for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Educational), Moscow, Russia,

Dr. E.B. Bobryshev, Associate Professor, ASMS, Moscow, Russia

Dr. A.I. Grishin, Associate Professor, Department, ASMS, Moscow, Russia,

Dr. E.Yu. Barmenkov, Associate Professor, MAI (National Research University), Moscow, Russia

key words

risk-management, quality management system, integration, degree of risk, standards, efficiently


Considering the instability of our economy, in their activities companies are constantly faced with changes, and changes practically always mean risks. Today the main factors of the risk management popularity are becoming the heighten competition and dynamic external environment, represented by a set of market institutions and factors.

Risk  manager  in  Russia  is  new,  but  already  a  promising  profession.  To  cope  with professional tasks, the risk manager should possess a fairly extensive and diverse tools of risk manipulation. In other words, a risk manager is a complex profession to support general management.

Risk management services are in demand in various fields of economic activity.

An  effective  way  to  expand  professional  potential  is  training  and  vocational retraining.  Therefore,  vocational  training  and  retraining  are  becoming  increasingly important  primarily  for  professionals  who  deal  with  risk  management  in  the organization’s management system.

Thus, risk management, the use of risk management tools, improvement of education in  the  field  of  risk  management  is  one  of  the  important  tasks  of  our  country  and an important aspect of sustainable development at the present stage.

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