Control Methods of Tribological Characteristics and nonlinear Properties of Greases: Innovations

Prof. Dr. A.G. Syrkov, FSBEI, St. Petersburg Mining University (SPMU), St. Petersburg, Russia,, Full member, Academy of Natural Sciences

A.A. Vinogradova, Graduate, FSBEI, SPMU, St. Petersburg, Russia

Dr. A.V. Boykov, Assistant, FSBEI, SPMU, St. Petersburg, Russia

key words

grease control, tribotechnics, nanotribology, metals additives, surface modification


The faster control method of antifriction characteristics of liquid grease with dispersed additives of modified metals in the range of load pressures from 1.7 to 50 MPa is grounded. It implements different modes of friction, and is consistently applying traction machine in the form of slip bearing with load cell instead of the lower time display, as well as software developed in Lab View environment, and the final acoustics- emission diagnostics.

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