Analysis of the Intensity at Operation Process of the Real Estate Objects's Complex

V.G. Svetashov, Applicant, FSUE STANDARTINFORM, Moscow, Russia

key words

real estate management, operating costs, the forecasting index of the costs, regression analysis


I have denoted that the property management’s quality assessment includes determination values of three groups of indicators. They are: efficiency, resource intensity and efficiency of property management. I am confident that the resource intensity of the process is the dominant factor in certain cases. I have described the methodological approach to the analysis of resource exploitation process of the real estate objects complex.

I have used the results of economic monitoring of operating costs and have determined how to identify the existing relationship and regularities between the volume of resource consumption in the operation of real estate objects and variables, which characterize the conditions for the implementation of real estate management. These results represent the information base for future planning the real estate management solutions.

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