Kompetentnost' 8/119/2014
ISSN 1993-8780
Determining Risks Method in the Oil and Gas
Transport Objects
key words
pipeline system, hazards identification, risk assessment, risk management, risk criteria, matrix risk categories
The list of dangerous and harmful factors affecting the safety of construction and installation work in the construction of oil and gas pipelines is on consideration. It is shown that the oil and gas pipelines’ systems are of potential risk themselves. During the construction of oil and gas transportation more often such risks classified as medium, significant and high occur. These risk categories are considered to be unacceptable and require special preventive measures that reduce exposure to occupational hazards to workers’ health and material and production environment.
Risk quantitative criteria for construction works during the building of objects of oil and gas transportation system are calculated. We use classical formula of definition of risk at construction of oil and gas pipeline systems and the innovation method of identification of dangerous and harmful production factors. The last are potential sources of risk emergence. The authors are sure that determining and ranking the level of risk, as well as development of safety by quantitative criterion of risks will help to lower the level of injuries in the construction dangerous production facilities.
1. Vysotskaya N.V., Novoseltseva T.A. Identifikatsiya opasnostey pri sooruzhenii transportnoy sistemy na ob’ektakh neftegazovogo kompleksa. Materialy regional’noy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Identification of hazards in the construction of transport systems for oil and gas facilities. Materials of the regional scientific-practical conference], Tyumen, TyumGNTU, 2012, pp. 103–107.
2. GOST R 54934–2012/OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational safety and health management systems. Requirements, Moscow,
Standartinform, 2012, p. 28 (In Russia).
Бойцов Б.В., Комаров Ю.Ю., Панкина Г.В.
Вопросы управления качеством технологических процессов
Учебное пособие. — М.: АСМС, 2013.
В учебном пособии излагаются основы менеджмента качества, рассматриваются принципы менеджмента, эволюция методов обеспечения качества и требования к системам менеджмен- та качества, дается анализ видов контроля качества, их особенности, условия применения и недостатки.
Обсуждаются вопросы управления качеством технологических процессов. Приводятся при- меры использования статистических методов при совершенствовании технологических про- цессов изготовления изделий из полимерных композиционных материалов.
Предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по специальности 220501 «Управление каче- ством». Будет полезно менеджерам по качеству организаций, разрабатывающих и поддержи- вающих системы менеджмента качества.
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