Kompetentnost' 6/157/2018
ISSN 1993-8780
Laboratory Cabinets Quality for the Storage of Flammable Liquids
N.S. Naydenova, Graduate Master, Dmitry Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia, nnaydenova94@mail.ru
Dr. G.E. Smirnova, Associate Professor, Standardization and Computer Graphics Department, Dmitry Mendeleev
University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia
I.A. Grishin, Deputy of General Director, LLC Technologies of Fire Safety, Moscow Region, Russia
P.A. Zhil’tsov, Head, Testing Laboratory ТPB ТЕSТ, LLC Technologies of Fire Safety, Moscow Region, Russia
Dr. Kh.A. Nevmyatullina, Associate Professor, Dmitry Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia, knevm@mail.ru
key words
fire safety, fire resistance, laboratory cabinet, flammable liquids, test procedure
We consider the special conditions of operation of laboratory furniture, which assume the use of certain materials in the production of this product with the appropriate indices of safety and resistance to aggressive media. It is known that a laboratory cabinet for the storage of flammable liquids (LVS) should provide a barrier preventing the activation of LVS in case of fire from the outside of the cabinet. Unfortunately, at present there are no documents in the field of standardization that regulate the procedure for testing cabinets for storage of fire extinguishing liquids. In this connection, we developed and tested the test procedure for fire resistance of cabinets for storing LVS. We believe that this solves the problem of the absence of domestic regulatory documents in this area.
1. GOST 3.1109–82 Unified system of design documentation (ЕSTD). Terms and definition of basic concepts.
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pp. 10–17.
3. Smirnova G.E., Naydenova N.S., Nevmyatullina Kh.A. Tekhnicheskoe regulirovanie v oblasti stroitel‘nykh materialov [Technical regulation in the field of building materials], Ekonomika stroitel‘stva, 2017, vol. 2, no. 44, pp. 68–75.
4. Smirnova G.E., Naydenova N.S., Osmanova O.S. Kachestvo stroitel‘nykh materialov dlya aerodromnykh pokrytiy [Quality of building materials for aerodrome coatings], Uspekhi v khimii i khimicheskoy tekhnologii, 2017, vol. 31, no. 5(186), pp. 7–9.
5. Smirnova G.E., Naydenova N.S. Radiatsionnaya bezopasnost‘ stroitel‘nykh materialov [Radiation safety of building materials], Moscow,
RITs D.I. Mendeleev RKhTU, pp. 85–87.
6. GOST 2.101–2016 Unified system of design documentation. Types of products.
7. GOST 2.501–2013 Unified system of design documentation. Accounting and storage rules.
8. GOST 15150–69 Machines, devices and other technical products. Versions for different climatic regions. Categories, operating conditions, storage and transportation in terms of the impact of environmental climatic factors.
9. TR TS 025/2012 Technical regulations of the Customs Union. On the safety of furniture products: adopted by the Commission
of the Customs Union18.06.2012; www.tsouz.ru, 18.06.2012; RF Federal Law оf 22.07.2008 N 123-FZ. Technical regulations On fire safety requirements.
10. GOST 12.1.044–89 Interstate standard. Occupational safety standards system. Fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials. Nomenclature of indicators and methods for their determination.
11. Khimicheskaya bezopasnost’ transportnykh operatsiy s opasnymi gruzami [Chemical safety of transport operations with dangerous goods]; https://refdb.ru/look/1749665-pall.html.
12. Methodical instructions. Air Protection; http://filippov.samgtu.ru/sites/filippov.samgtu.ru/files/ metoda_zf_ohr/ Prilog%201.htm.
13. Posobie po primeneniyu metodov otsenki pozharnoy opasnosti tekhnologicheskikh sistem, ispol’zuemykh pri analize pozharnykh riskov [Manual on the application of methods for assessing the fire hazard of technological systems used in the analysis of fire risks]; http://textarchive.ru/c-2094655-pall.html.
14. Posobie po opredeleniyu predelov ognestoykosti konstruktsiy, predelov rasprostraneniya ognya po konstruktsiyam i grupp vozgoraemosti materialov (k SNiP II-2-80) [Manual for determining the limits of fire resistance of structures, fire spreading limits for structures and ignition groups of materials (to SNiP II-2–80)]; http://files.stroyinf.ru/Data2/1/4293851/4293851048.pdf.
15. BS EN 14470-1:2004 Fire Safety Storage Cabinets. Safety Cabinets For Flammable Liquids; http://www.hse.gov.uk/fireandexplosion/