Kompetentnost' 8/129/2015

ISSN 1993-8780


Creating a Trusted Hardware and Software Environment for the Automated Control Systems of State and Military Control

Prof. Dr. V.M. Isaev, First Deputy Director, FSUE, Mytishchi Scientific Research Institute of Radio Equipment (MNIIRIP), Mytishchi, Moscow Region, Russia

Dr. S.I. Bokov, Head, FSBE, 46 Central Research Institute, Russian Ministry of Defense, Moscow, Russia, bokov.s.i@mail.ru

Dr. A.A. Chuprinov, Head of Department, FSUE, MNIIRIP, Mytishchi, Moscow Region, Russia

key words

automated control systems, trusted software and hardware environment, electronic component base, software, operating system


In this article we have considered three major technical challenges that require priority solutions in creating a trusted hardware and software environment for the automated control systems of state and military control. It is the creation of trusted elements of the active element-component base, the establishment of a trusted software, as well as the creation of new and conversion of previously developed standard software libraries and special software.
To create a trusted competitive element-component base it is required to create a new (unique) processor architecture (chips, controllers) with its operating system. This will make useless all the possible bookmarks in the hardware and in the software of the computing resources.
The solution of the problem of creating a trusted PC both public and for the common user is to create a variety of native front-end compilers for the most used languages. Standardization of intermediate representation as a mediator between the hardware platform and programming language can greatly reduce the costs of establishing and maintaining hardware platforms by the trusted systems programming.
In addition, we believe that the foundation of effective design solutions is a domestic CAD. Its development is no less important for the automation of information security of state and military control.
To fulfill the above list of works an implementation plan should develop. It will bring the science, time and material resources of the state together into a whole in order to achieve this goal.
We believe that the implementation of the plan should be presented in a separate federal target programme for the development of trusted hardware and software automation environment ACS of state and military control.

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416 p.