Vibration Control and Diagnostics of Machinery:

from Theory to Training

Prof. Dr. F.V. Bulygin, Deputy Science Director, FSUE All-Russian Research Institute of Metrological Service (ARRIMS), Head of Department, Academy of Metrology, Standardization and Certification, Moscow, Russia,

Dr. M.Yu. Prilepko, Leading Researcher, Motion Parameters Laboratory, FSUE ARRIMS, Moscow, Russia,

key words

vibration control, vibrometry, vibration tests, machinery


Strict requirements for trouble-free and safe operation of machinery require accurate measurement of vibration characteristics and analysis of its frequency composition. This defines both the task of minimizing vibration at the current moment, and forecasting possible scenarios and timelines for the development of detected defects that could lead to an emergency situation.
Therefore, we have developed a new curriculum to improve the skills of specialists in the field of vibrometry and diagnostics of machinery. Then we investigated the relevance of individual program topics. To do this, we analyzed the existing programs and conducted a survey of respondents.
We proposed a modular principle of program that allows you to use its individual modules and their combinations, both for one-time advanced training and for implementing the cumulative principle of learning by mastering individual sections and topics of the program.
The training program gives an insight into the students not only about the technical aspects of the vibration measurement process, but also an understanding of the need to introduce vibration measurement tools in the legal field and to ensure the metrological traceability of measurement tools to primary standards.
So, the main sections of the program of additional professional education are given, the circle of potential students is outlined. The proposed theoretical course and laboratory workshop will allow students to acquire new competencies in the form of knowledge, skills and experience with vibration measurement tools.

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7. RF Federal Law of 26.06.2008 N 102–FZ On ensuring the uniformity of measurements.

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