On the Organization of Internal Crowdsourcing Projects for Solving urgent Problems оf the Company

Dr. R.A. Dolzhenko, Associate Professor, Strategic Marketing Department, RDI Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia, snurk17@gmail.com

key words

сrowdsourcing, internal crowdsourcing project, organization of crowdsourcing projects


In article I consider the experience of internal crowdsourcing projects of domestic enterprises and describe the General approaches to the organization of these projects. It is devoted to the possibilities of effective organization of internal crowdsourcing projects to solve business problems. Crowdsourcing is a relatively new phenomenon in the practice of domestic companies, at the same time, its potential is huge, but the toolkit organization of crowdsourcing activities has not yet developed. The article makes an attempt to consolidate the experience of crowdsourcing, in internal crowdsourcing projects. The principal feature of this type of crowdsourcing is that the participants in such projects are the only members of the organization. In conclusion I recommend the measures capable to improve efficiency of crowdsourcing activity by the company staff. The project was executed with the support of Russian Ministry of Education as part of the base part of the public tasks in the field of scientific activity of Altai State University, project code N 2014/2-752.

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