Optimization of the Enterprises Stockpile Management in the Conditions of the Network Competition

Dr. A.V. Lavrenova (But’ko), Head, Department, Producer Business and Management of Performing Arts, Gnesin

Russian Academy of Music, Moscow, Russia, sanchez.bu@gmail.com

key words

stocks, classification of stocks, procedure of inventory carrying


In this study I have presented the research data of inventory adjustment tools at production enterprise. I have described the scheme of maintenance of an efficient inventor balance which will significantly improve the operating benefits of the enterprises under modern conditions.

I have reviewed the algorithm of maintaining the optimal inventory levels, which includes a number of sequential procedures. It contains the identification and analysis of needs for material resources in the planning period, the diagnosis of existing stocks of the material on the enterprise stock, organization and formation of inventories.

Besides, I have substantiated the choice of basic inventory management model for each group, have presented the developed optimization model to maintain the multinomenclature level of reserves with the possibility of control.

I believe that the proposed algorithm will allow enterprises to take instrumentation optimized decisions on inventory levels in the conditions of network competition and significantly increase the efficiency of its functioning in modern conditions.

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