Most Important World Innovations in Machine-Buildings

B.S. Voskoboinikov, Senior Research Associate, VINITI of RAN, Moscow,

M.I. Grechikov, Head, Department of Scientific Information on Problems of Mechanical Engineering and Transport, VINITI

of RAN, Moscow,

Dr. V.A. Grushnikov, Senior Research Associate, VINITI of RAN, Moscow,

A.M. Petrina, Senior Research Associate, VINITI of RAN, Moscow,

key words

mechanical engineering, structures, technologies, processes, technogenic risks, environmental protection, safety, innovations


Undoubtedly, the progress of human civilization has always been based on useful inno- vations and continues to be determined by breakthrough revolutionary and evolution- arily improving social, biological, technical and so on processes that occur in society and innovations. These innovations are realized in the form of constructive, technological and other measures, constantly leaping or gradually at the root of the changing quality of life of the inhabitants of the globe and are manifested in expanding the areas of ap- plication of automated production processes in all sectors of the economy without ex- ception, uniting them into unified complexes. Logistics, the processing of huge amounts of information and support the effective operation of household, communal and other public services vehicles. These production and servicing complexes, on the one hand, improve the quality of life, and on the other hand, simultaneously by their side harm- ful products negatively affect the environment, worsening the conditions of existence. As a result, risks of both local technogenic catastrophes and global climate changes in the form of irreversible warming are added to natural cataclysms and social risks.

Overcoming these risks at the present time is the most urgent and priority task, without the speedy effective solution of which it is difficult to imagine the normal continuation of civilization, we are confident.

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