One View of Quality. Confirmation of Compliance
Construction and Road-building Materials
L.А. Bondar’, President, Association NP Association for Technical Regulation (NP Astr), Moscow, Russia
О.V. Lemeshev, Building Materials Conformity Expert, Quality Assurance Center, Moscow, Russia
key words
conformity assessment, construction materials, standards, requirements, climatic conditions, quality management system, consumer guarantees
We have considered the questions connected with confirmation of compliance of construction and road-building materials which were produced and are produced at enterprises of Russia and the countries of the Customs Union.
We have also touched upon the interaction of normative and legal acts of the Russian Federation and the Customs Union, which determine the requirements for the quality of these materials and the methods for confirming the quality.
We have given a brief analysis for using various construction and road-building materials in the main industries of Russia. We have evaluated the gained experience between the manufacturers of this product and the quality assurance authorities and testing laboratories.
1. RF Federal Law of 30.12.2009 N 384-ФЗ Technical reglament On the safety of buildings and structures (amended on 2.07.2013).
2. TR ТS 014/2011 Safety of highways.
3. ТR ТS 003/2011 On the safety of the railway transport infrastructure.
4. RF Government Order of 3.09.2015 N 930 On amending the single list of products subject to mandatory certification.
5. RF Government Order of 1.12.2009 N 982 On approval of a single list of products subject to mandatory certification and a single list of products, the confirmation of compliance is carried out in the form of a declaration of conformity adoption.